Katy Perry 2011

It's easy to forget that Katy Perry is actually a natural blonde. She's ditched the harsh black hair last month and has been gradually going lighter. First it was red(dish) hair and cat ears for the Toronto appearance to promote her perfume (a syrupy mess, if you're wondering):

Now Katy is once again a blonde, as seen on MTV yesterday. I don't think Katy Perry has looked this adorable since her high school days:

Photos: Just Jared, Time INC and makeherup.com.
Last week the singer Katy Perry was spotted by paparazzi at the pool with red hair, but very difficult to describe because the hair is wet and stuck.

But we finally we can see the "new" look of the brunette in her perfume "Purr", launch  in Toronto, Canada.

For those who do not know, she is originally blonde, but always painted eyelashes and eyebrows black to make it quite natural (Allais worked very well).

On twitter, she declared that she is only an intermediate stage of a shift to a blonde, but to paint your hair black for years, she needed to do to your hair or a few would fall!

 'On my way to launch PURR in TORONTO! FINALLY CA has PURR avail to them!' 

'P.s. If u see a ginger haired girl that looks like me, it's me! #yay.

The singer, redhead, while on tour is "California Dreams", but coming back to LA, she and Russell Brand bought a house for $ 6.5 million.

katy we like you with you pinup blackhair!

Katy Perry dyed her hair blonde. Few weeks ago she changed her black hair color to red, which she now changed into blonde. Many people don't know but Katy is natural blonde so this hair color is bringing her back to her roots. It is little bit strange to see Katy blonde but it looks really good, and it is nice change from the dark hair. I wonder is she going to stop here or she is slowly going for platinum blonde. I can imagine her as platinum blonde and I think it would look great on her.

Da mi je netko nekad rekao da ću sama raditi domaći sir rekla bi mu da je lud i da nema šanse da se s tim zezam kod kuće. Ali da mi je rekao da će to biti ovako jednostavno sigurno bih odmah pristala. Zbilja ide brzo i bez ikakve muke. Po želji ga možete napraviti mekšeg da bude fin kremast za mazanje ili tvrđi da bude za kolače, pite.


1 l punomasnog mlijeka
1 dcl kiselog vrhnja
soli po okusu


1. Mlijeko se prokuha i kad se malo smlači, doda mu se kiselo vrhnje (dakle mlijeko se ostavi malo stajati da se vrhnje ne dodaje odmah u kipuće) i promiješa se. Posuda se omota krpama i pokrije poklopcem da što duže drži toplinu. Obično je dovoljno 24 sata.

2. Kad se ukiseli tako da je tvrdo kad se posuda protrese, sve pretresemo u cjediljku na kojoj je gaza ili krpa da se sir ocijedi. Mekoća odn. tvrdoća sira ovisi o tome koliko ga dugo držite da se cijedi. Ako želite fini kremasti sir za mazanje onda ćete držati kraće, a ako želite suhi sir onda ćete držati duže, tj. dok se sva sirutka ne ocijedi.

3. Kad se sir iscijedio, istrese se u zdjelu. Dodatkom soli on dobiva onaj famozan okus finih mazivih sireva. Dakle solite po malo imiješate i isprobavate dok dobijete vama odgovarajući okus.

Od ove količine sastojaka ja sam dobila oko 250ml sira.

Most of my Hot Or Not installments include celebs and their ever changing do's and hue's. I asked for your opinion on Cassie's Shaved Sides, RiRi Rapunzel, Blake's New Hue, and when Whitney Went Red. For this Hot Or Not post we're discussing how Katy looks having left the dark side. Just one month after debuting her summery red hair she's a ginger no more. Katy Perry pulled another quick change, popping up on MTV News on Thursday with newly blonde locks. And while her latest hair hue is set to cause quite a stir, she’s had black hair for as long as we can remember and I for one am ready for a change.  

It’s also not that big a surprise, considering the pop star is a natural blonde. She’d given us warning too, a week before stepping out with her red locks, she tweeted about an impending change. However, she later hinted that something had gone wrong. 'So I didn’t get to the exact color I wanted from being black for so long, 2get to goal I have 2b GINGER for 3WKS.' Later calling the process an #epicfail. In my opinion she's at that horrible in between ginger and blonde stage and I don't like it one bit. I'm looking forward to seeing some better pictures, but either way I hope she reaches her bombshell destination without looking like a dry haired disaster.

What do you think? Hot Or Not?
Katy Perry was recently on MTV doing interviews.  This was her first public appearance with blonde hair which is her original hair color.

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